Why Not to Fear

 "Biblically speaking, fear and faith fight for the same space.... Any square foot or inch where Fear abides in your life is the precise ground Faith exists to occupy." -Beth Moore, The Quest

I'm not going to lie, I'm jumping into this season feeling afraid and inadequate. If I thought writing Her Children Arise was scary and hard, it doesn't compare to the vulnerability I feel as I begin to share her with the world.

I have shed more tears and curled under the covers vowing to never come out more times than I'd care to admit this season. Shouldn't ministry leaders be overflowing with Faith so strong that Fear itself runs and hides?


Here is what God is reminding me daily:

  • Vulnerability isn't something to fear. When an unbreakable God put the fullness of Himself into a naked, mortal and breakable body, directly in the path of sticks and stones slung from human hands, that's vulnerability. And through Him and His bodily sacrifice, we are given freedom. Vulnerability brings us closer to Jesus.

  • Inability isn't something to fear. Through God we are capable as He calls and equips us to fulfill His purposes. Inability allows us to see what we have accomplished and think, "Only You, God, because there is no way I could have done that on my own." Inability allows us to see the power of God as He uses us in ways in which we can no longer claim are of our own abilities.

  • Availability isn't something to fear. Do I have the time to accomplish all God has called me to do? How on Earth will I be able to juggle it all? When God calls you to do something, you drop the fishing poles and go (Matthew 4:20). Some of those things you may love to do - and it doesn't mean you will never do it again - it just may not be in this season. Availability gives us direct access to God as we follow Him and His plans to use us to glorify His kingdom.

I'm tired of the tug-of-war as Fear and Faith fight over the same space in my heart, mind and spirit. So what does God's word tell us about fear? To not do it! Over and over again He says we have nothing to fear and why we shouldn't fear. I'm so grateful that I have these messages from Him to hold on to this season. As long as I keep coming to Him, fear cannot and will not have a stronghold on me. Faith over fear.

Casey Hilty

Author | Speaker | Artist


Justly. Mercifully. Humbly.


Yellow Tulips, Just Because